Chinese Monumental Scholar Stone in Limestone 2006 (with Original Documentation) - SOLD
Evan Lobel
Monumental "Gong-shi" (Scholar Stone) in Ling bi (limestone) with carved wood base, China 2006 (with original purchase documentation). Collected in China from the Tang dynasty (618-907 C.E.) onwards, scholar's rocks are natural formations prized for their aesthetic qualities, particularly their unique colors and shapes, as well as their ability to invoke and encapsulate the natural world. Ling bi rocks, or fantastic stones, are shaped by the elements and represent elegant natural beauty. They are thought to possess the special forces of both heaven and earth, the sun and the moon in a natural brilliance. These rocks are highly treasured and have been given in tribute since the Song Dynasty.
W: 15 inches
D: 9.5 inches
H: 53 inches
Provenance: Throckmorton Fine Art invoice dated 2006
Condition: Excellent
ref: sculpture188